

I continue to be enchanted by Tim Walker's photos. While interning at Vogue, I would escape to the Conde Nast Library at any chance just to study photos like these. The design department would use inspiration from past publications to help illustrate new campaigns or photo shoots. I would be flipping through hundreds of magazine's a day and each time that I came across a Tim Walker photo I couldn't help but get lost in his dream world . It turns out that Tim Walker was first inspired to become a photographer while sifting through magazines in Conde Nast's library. This was while he was working for Cecil Beaton in London. If only the Conde Nast library was open to the public!!!!


roger said...

Have you seen the Cecil Beaton Fabric Collection ! Designs by Beaton on wallpaper and for upholstery -I think you'll be amazed to see the new collection launching in London next week! Www.cecilbeatonfabrics.com

Danielle Hession said...

amazing!!!!!!!!! Those patterns are works of art! Thank you so much for telling me about that!

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